ClariVein® Procedure

Dr Robert Attaran is also an experienced user of the ClariVein procedure.

This is another minimally invasive technique to close a dysfunctional superficial vein in the leg. Compared to traditional thermal techniques, the ClariVein procedure does not use heat energy. Therefore there is no risk of heat injury. Also, no tumescent anesthetic is required, which means less anesthetic needle pokes and a shorter procedure.

The procedure has been scientifically tested and is approved for use in the United States. It produces excellent vein closure rates. Overall, patients undergoing the ClariVein procedure report less discomfort compared to laser or radiofrequency ablation.The ClariVein technology works by introducing a very small fiber into the target vein. No incisions are necessary. The tip of the fiber spins and a small amount of a sclerosing agent is injected through it. The spinning fiber creates a minor scratch along the inner surface of the vein (endothelium) and the sclerosing agent initiates a reaction that gradually closes the vein. Some patients may notice a vibrating sensation in their leg, during the procedure. Feeling a pinch or pain is unusual. If discomfort occurs, the physician can administer local anesthetic to the area.

ClariVein is performed through a small soft sheath which is inserted into the vein, under local anesthesia and using ultrasound guidance.
Patients rarely need to do anything different in anticipation of the procedure. They can eat and drink. Patients can typically take all their usual medications before and after.

Dr Attaran will determine your candidacy for the procedure based on a number of factors. For example, if there is a history of prior inflammation or phlebitis in the vein, then ClariVein may not be the ideal option.After the ClariVein procedure the treated vein will close in a matter of days. Any bruising or aching in the treated region usually subsides within 1-2 weeks. Typically, a follow-up ultrasound study is performed.